Grayson Riffe

Hello! My name is Grayson Riffe, and I am an undergraduate at Texas A&M majoring in Electronic Systems Engineering Technology and minoring in Cybersecurity. Ever since I can remember, I've been interested in electronics, espcecially computers, and how to tell them what to do. I started my technical journey in 5th grade with learning Java programming. To truly understand what I was learning, I wrote tiny games such as tic-tac-toe, a number guessing game, and "Button Clicker" (a very bad knockoff of Cookie Clicker). As I started to get more competent, I then started looking into C++ on Windows with MSVC and Visual Studio. I have a strong background with compiled application development.

What's on this website?

At the top of this page, you can find links to a few of my past and present computer science projects. I also have a link to my current resume as well as a short biography and contact information on the About page.