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Nothin' Fancy

Nothin' Fancy (or NF) is a 3D game engine / visualizer for Windows built with MSVC. I ultimately want to use my engine to create a game I can release on Steam for free. This project is still in development, and I plan to include notable features such as networking and Steam API integration. It runs with Direct3D 11 and 90% of everything is written by me. This section will be updated when a version is available to download. The source is on GitHub here (look under the develop branch).

Original Version

The first version of this engine was developed in 2021 as an experimental project for learning. It has a number of cool features including an asset system complete with model cooking, an easy way to create a UI, material texture support including normal maps, and even a physics engine, but it is still missing a number of important features. A second revision was needed after I realized how much I could improve my first using everything I had learned along the way. I worked on this project during my senior year of high school, and it is the result of about 4 months of constant work. You can download the last version here.